这个LoRA模型可以产出女人用手机挡住脸的图片(主要是苹果手机,我也不知道为什么)建议使用3D模型,如Chilloutmix来绘图,加上phone,holding phone等tag会有帮助,有概率只出手机不出人,有概率脸不完全被手机挡住。质量还行吧,希望你们会喜欢。不要加描写脸部的tag。
This LoRA can produce pictures of a girl holding a phone (mainly iPhones) in front of her face. 3D models such as Chilloutmix are recommended. You will probably get a better result if you add tags such as "phone" and "holding phone". You may get pictures with a phone only or the girl's face may not be fully covered by the phone. Please don't add tags about face. Hope you will like it!