Trigger words are Ryu, ClassicRyu, HotRyu, SF6Ryu
I am not trying to minimize anyone's work. I know there are other Ryu's LoRAs but I like my own recipe in the case I generate art with one of my other characters.
I tried to put all versions in one single Lora, but SF6 Ryu rope was getting in the way. So.. two archives: Classic and SF6 (Hot Ryu works in both)
I take all LoRA suggestions into consideration, but if you get Tier 2, your suggestions of LoRA will have priority.
Don't Forget: You can find my models also at MageSpace
You can still buy me a beer if you want
For all versions you can try things like beard, (red) headband,(white) kimono gi/top, white pants, black (martial ars) belt, fighting gloves,
For SF6: brown robe, ripped robe, golden ring, brown cloth, sandals