This is a LoRA of hot ginger Blu Kennedy. He was a gay porn performer from 2004 through 2011. He started off very twinky but had become a toned muscular jock by the time he retired. The training images used to create this were mostly from the jock phase of his career, but a few twinky ones made it in the final training set.
Standard disclaimer: The image training set contained images that are Not Safe For Work (NSFW) so beware naughtier images can be generated from the LoRA. Since he was wearing a baseball cap in a few of the images, despite being tagged out in the captions, a few times a partial baseball cap was on his head when I generated the test images, so if you want him hatless, just add baseball cap and hat to the negative prompt to reduce the chances of one being drawn.
Weights between 0.7 and 0.85 were used in testing and worked well.
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